Friday, September 19, 2008
A girl and her dog
Sunday, July 20, 2008
For Your Viewing Pleasure....
Isn't she just to fun?? These are just a few of the many pictures we took of Addison while Abby, Brandi and Krystal were here. It was a wonderful week, very relaxing a refreshing for me. I needed the break for sure. Things are calming down even more here, we are into a nice routine and I am enjoying the calm before the nex storm, which is me starting school in September. For now though, things are very good around here. I have even had time to plant an herb garden! So far I have peppermint, spearmint, chocolate mint(yes, that's a plant, and it smells just like you think it would!!), chamomile, basil and chives. I am going to try my hand at homemade tea. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Coming Up for Air
Hello Happy Bloggers!! Three weeks ago Monday Marcus started the Police Academy. I knew going in that this was going to be a major commitment and something that would be tough, but worth it in the long run. Nothing however, could have prepaired me for the reality of his first week. The weekend before we had a "family day" where we met the instructors and got an idea of what the next six months would be like. It was all a little overwhelming, especially since they gave everyone a list and said "don't bother showing up Monday without all of the things on this list". Most of the rest of Saturday and Sunday was spend running around frantically to aquire said items. Thankfully Marcus's parents were here, and his mom went with him to hunt everything down so that we didn't have to drag Addison. Then came Monday. Since several days a week I work 11pm to 3am, and at the time Addison wasn't going to bed until around 11pm, her and I moved into my parents house for the first few days so that Marcus would be able to sleep. Here is a picture of the first few days: Sunday night I worked until 3am, came to our house, helped Marcus get ready and on his way(he gets up at 4 and has to be out of the house by 5:15), went back to my parents by 5am, slept till 9am, delt with Addie all day, Marcus came home around 5pm with another long list of things he needed, so it was off to Target before I went to work at 7pm and he went to bed. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I did the exact same thing. Needless to say by Friday we were both totally exhausted and I was a little bit panicked about how in the world we were going to do this for six months, especially since I go back to school in September. Well, as the weeks have progressed it has gotten better. We have a routine, Addison is in bed by 9 and sleeps some mornings until 9, so Marcus is able to put her to bed and I am able to sleep in when I work late. Marcus has a lot of homework, he will have 39 college credits when this is said and done but it is manageable. I am finally starting to feel more human and not so much like a single parent. The housework is still all me, but I am getting into a good routine and not having to work as much. God has been faithful and I know this is His path for Marcus. I am excited at the change, and ready to see how God continues to help us through. Next week my dear friends from college Brandi, Abby and Krystal are coming for the week. It is our yearly summer tradition and this year my house is it! So, hopefully I will get some pictures and we will have lots of fun. Hope everyone has a good 4th of July!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The Rodriguez house is a buzz with excitement right now becaue Marcus starts the police academy on Monday morning bright and early. Saturday is orientation and "family day" so his parents are coming up tomorrow and staying so that they can go with us. It will be us, my parents and his parents, so he will have quite to crowd. The last week has been spent getting the house ready( almost there...just a little more to go!!) and getting everything Marcus needs in order so that Monday goes well. I am very excited for him because this is something that he has wanted to do his entire life, and I am proud of all the hard work he has already put into being successful. If you could pray for us this week that we will adjust to our new way of life easily, and that Marcus will have a great first week we would appreciate it!! In other news, Addison has started eating "food" this week, and by food I mean some rice cerel and peas, but so far she likes it. The doctor wants her to put on some weight( she is 14 lbs 11 oz at the moment) so he thought this would be a good way. She is 6 months old today, and I can't even believe it. I am so thankful, because she is now going to bed around 9pm and sleeping all night, which is making life SO much easier for all involved!!:) I am well, still working some crazy hours, ( I am headed to work after I finish this post!) but still glad not to be in school for the time being. Right now my main focus is getting things taken care of that had lapsed during my whole "I'm having a baby and starting nursing school" insanity and making life as easy as possible for Marcus as he starts the academy. I will post pictures as soon as I find the cord for our camera, I am afraid it was the victim of my nazi cleaning spree!! Till next time!!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
What's New
I have already enjoyed my summer so much, with a new womens Bible Study, hanging out with friends and just enjoying Addison. She is so big now, 14lbs, and "talking" up a storm. Praise the Lord she regularly sleeps 8 hours a night, with a morning nap so my life has gotten much easier. We are just enjoying this less stressful time as a family right now, before Marcus starts the Police academy on June 16th. I am so proud of him for all of his hard work, he is now up to running 5 miles at a time, and working on his puch ups and sit ups. For my part I am walking as much as as far as I can daily( when it doesn't rain!) and going to a ladies work out once a week. I have some fairly ambitious fitness goals over the next year, so we will see how that works out. I still need to find time to sit down and put all of my pictures on the computer so that I can post them here, I know I am soooo behind with all of that. I have just so enjoyed not "having" to do anything. My work schedule has picked up some, but I only work in the evening or night time hours, so that is why I sometimes post comments at 4am when I get home!:) This weekend we went with the youth group to see Prince Caspian, and just a warning to parents out there it is a fairly violent movie, and they were not shy about showing some mass carnage. It is PG for a definate reason, and Marcus and I even had a discussion on the way home as to if it should have been PG 13 or not. I would have been horrified had I taken any smaller kids. WEll, it's time for ADdy's nap so I think Mommy might take one too!! Till later!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
One Down, Three to Go!
That's right ladies and gentleman, I am DONE WITH SCHOOL for the summer. I promise you that in 28 years of summers, there has never been a more welcome on than this! These past almost 5 months have been the most challenging, blessed and insane months of my life to date. As I look back over this semester, my heart has no choice but to well up with thankfulness and praise for God and His provision in my life. He made my success possible, and chose to make Himself very visable in many areas of my daily life. I am so glad to have the next almost 4 moths to focus on my little girl and having fun with her, spending time with friends and getting myself back into shape!! I am excited to see how God is going to continue to guide and provide on this journey He has laid out for Marcus, Addison and I. All I know is I am looking forward to reconnecting and relaxing. I think I might even go watch Pride and Prejudice before I hit the hay. :)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
So Far, So Good!
Today was the last exam before the final, and I officially have no more classes and no more lecture. All I have left is 2 clinical days, a final and a skills demo. I did well on my exam, so things are still going well for now:). I have a "date" with Tina to get pedicures next Friday, just to celebrate the end of my trials and tribulations for the summer, and boy I cannot wait! I also feel like a total nerd because the thing I am looking forward to most about being out of school is cleaning and reorganizing my house. When did I become such an adult??!! ;) I am also glad because this week I have had a little extra time for the small things in life, like reading a book(Amy your comment about reading FICTION was so well timed!!) and watching a movie. Things with Addison are going well, we seem to be in more of a routine and are getting this parenting down...well...sort of:). Addy sleeps 8 hours a night most nights, and I know that means we are incredibly blessed. The last few nights however, have been a different story. She has been waking up every hour or so, and Marcus and I were sure she was having a desire to relive her first week home from the hospital, or punish us for something...but come to find out....she is cutting a tooth. That's right, my FOUR MONTH OLD daughter is cutting a tooth. Go figure. Any advice from you seasoned nursing moms on what the heck you do when the teeth show up??? I'll be honest, it makes me a tad nervous. Well, that's the latest with us. I am off to practice my injections now...any volunteers??????
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Almost Done!!
Tomorrow starts my LAST full week of school, and I cannot even express how excited I am to get it all over with and start to recover from the insanity that has been the last few months. This next week I have my last regular exam on Wednesday, and lots of practice time in the lab. Then next week all I have is a skill demo on Tuesday and a final on Wednesday...then NO SCHOOL until September 2nd!! What I am I going to do with my time off you ask? WEll, Addison and I would like to visit a few friends that I haven't been able to see in awhile, my house is getting cleaned from top to bottom and I am going to organize some closets. Also, I am going to enjoy now studying and no books for a few months! Marcus starts the Police Academy on June 14th, so that will be another major change for us. I am so glad he is starting while I am off of school, so that he will have time to get into a routine before I start my insanity again. I am just living for a week from Thursday, when this will allll be over, and I will be able to concentrate on something besides school and the basic elements of survival. Come on May 7th!!!!!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I had my hour long skills evaluation today, and passed with flying colors!! I am so glad and thankful, because doing school with a baby is a whole different ball game, and I just don't have the time to obsess about things like the pre-Addison me did. Because of that, I go into some of these evals feeling a little nervous. However, I did all 3 of my skills in a little under 4o minutes, with only one minor mistake which I caught right away. I am so thankful for the grace God has given me to not only get through school, but do well, and for all of the love and support that is around me. So, if anyone needs a naso-gastric tube, a wound dressing change or medicine or food through a tube inserted in the stomach, I am your go to girl:) Now I am going to go take a much needed nap since my little one is taking one too!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
5 Years!
Just wanted to take a minute to say....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JUDY AND RYAN!!! I hope the last 5 years have been the best of your lives, that the best are yet to come. Know that I am praying for you with all that you have going on, that God will use your current circumstances to deepen your relationship and love for each other. I know that God has blessed your relationship and has great plans for your family!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
You Know You are a Mom When....
So, today I was doing my clinical rotation, like I do every Thursday and Friday. It's an insanly busy time, and can be nerve wracking at times. This morning I grabbed my lab coat and ran out of the house without checking the pockets because I was almost late. So, I rushed into clinical and stared my day. About half way through the day I was walking with my instructor, who asked if I had a roll of tape to help her secure a bandage. Being the dutiful student that I am, I had grabbed on on my way into the patients room. So, I reached into the pocket of my lab coat...grabbed my roll of "tape" and handed my teacher a....BINKY!!! That's right, one if Addisons binkies had made its way into my pocket, and tried to pass for an actual medical supply. Good thing my teacher thought it was hysterical, and it provided the comic relief needed to break the tension of what was a very stressful morning. Only a mom, and really, only me:). So, as for finding humor in every day life, I hope that gave you a chuckle, because it sure did me. The joys of motherhood!!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Over the last week or so God has been working on me in the area of my perspective. I have decided that 99% of how we feel about things in life has to do with out perspective. For example, I had to work tonight and really didn't want to go in. I have 2 choices about the way I look at that. Do I dwell on the fact that I didn't want to go to work, and mope and be bitter, or do I thank God for a night that was busy enough to be exciting, but slow enough that I got an hour of study time for my test tomorrow? Do I choose to be sad that I am away from Addison, or thankful and happy that she is with her daddy, who is developing his own loving bond with her? Do I focus on the fact that I am totally stressed out about my test tomorrow, or that because of that test my teachers moved our practical demo test to a week from Wednesday instead of Wednesday? I know there are some things in life that are just terrible, with very little to redeem them. I know there are hard situations that have little to no silver lining to be found. But I do not believe that the stresses of our everyday lives are that way. Let me challenge you, as God is challenging me, to notice, and when needed adjust your perspective. I think you will find that it will add alot of joy and thankfulness to your day!!!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Spring Break is No Longer!
They say all good things must come to an end, and so it had to be with my Spring Break. I really enjoyed having the week before Easter off of school, and although I did not get everthing done that I wanted to, not having to be out of the house for class and clinical was a welcome break. I was able to quasi clean my house, it's nowhere NEAR as put together as the pre-baby me would have liked it, but it is getting there. I was able to start my workout schedule(boy am I FEELING IT today!!) and spend some time with friends. Easter was fantastic, and yes, I will post pictures soon. Addison was the hit of the morning at church in her cute little pink dress, white booties and tights. We had dinner at my parents house, Marcus's parents came from DC and our friends Isai (pronounced eeeesaieeee) and Rachel joined us as well. They had a daughter Madelyn, 3 days before I had Addison, and were our neighbors in the hospital. What a blessing to share such an experience with some of our closest friends!! "Addy and Maddy" as they are called, enjoyed some quality time together in the pack and play, and all of the adults enjoyed a great meal. Now, fast forward to Monday. Did I get up and go to school like the diligent little student I normally am? NOPE! I stayed home, missed lecture and enjoyed a day with my daughter, and then an evening of exercising with the ladies from church. Spring Break totally killed the momentum I had going, and it took a day or two for me to get it back. Alas, I am back at it now, and hanging on to the fact that I only have until May 7th before Summer begins. I have a 5 page paper that is due on Friday, that no, I have not started...due to circumstances beyond my control. However, I am all set up to write it tomorrow night, and it will get done, barring an act of terrorism or serious medical emergency. So, off to bed I go, so that I can get up for my clinical tomorrow. Stay tuned for pictures!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Amy and Judy, This is for You!
Well, here I am, thanks to my dear friends Amy and Judy, who's blogs I check religiously, I have started one of my own. I can only aspire to the greatness of their blogs, and hope that I can update mine as frequently. You will have to forgive what I am sure will be a blog full of baby pictures and rantings about how annoying school is, or prattling on about my job and the insanity of working 20 hours a week in addition to all that I have going on, because, well that's my life right now!! I hope this helps me stay in touch with some people who are far away, but if Amy and Judy are the only 2 people who read it, it will be worth it. So, here starts my blogging adventure, hope you will all come along for the ride. Amy and Judy, if you have any tips, feel free to share!!!!
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